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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


As part of an organisations IAM management, a google group for network admins has been assigned the Compute Network Admin role in a GCP Project. Which of the following is true? Choose three.

A. They are able to list all the firewall rules in the project.
B. They are unable to create or delete firewall rules in the project.
C. They are able to enable or disable a Shared VPC in the project.
D. They have permissions to create and delete interconnect attachments in the project

Answer: A, B and D

Option A is correct, the Compute Network Admin can list the firewall rules.

Option B is correct, the Compute Network Admin cannot create of delete firewall rules

Option C is incorrect, the Compute Network Admin cannot enable of disable a Shared VPC.

Option D is correct, the Compute Network Admin can create and delete interconnect attachments. has a list of the permissions for the Compute Network Admin.

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