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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


As the Network engineer in your company, you try to create a VPC peering between two VPC networks in different GCP organisations but it has failed.

Which of the following is a possible cause? Choose two.

A. There is a firewall conflict.
B. There is a subnet cidr conflict.
C. The VPCs are in different regions.
D. You don’t have the needed permissions to create VPC peering.

Answer: B & D

Options A is incorrect, firewalls do not affect the creation of VPC peering.

Option B and D are correct, you need certain permissions to be able to create VPC peering and also the subnets in the VPCs cannot have overlapping CIDRs.

Options C is incorrect, GCP VPCs are global by default. explains the properties and restrictions of creating VPC peering.

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