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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A company would like to retain the current internal IP address on its GCE instance to meet certain security obligations of having a static IP address for certain application.

Which of the following is the least disruptive actions to achieve this?

A. Stop and restart the instances with a new static internal IP addresses.
B. Terminate the instances and recreate the instances with static IP addresses.
C. Change the current ephemeral IP to a static IP using the console or cli
D. Assign the instance a new static IP and remove the current static internal IP.

Answer: C

Option A is incorrect because stopping and restarting an instance doesn’t change the internal IP address neither does it change an ephemeral IP to a static one.

Option B is incorrect as this is disruptive to the availability of the application.

Option C is correct, this is the least disruptive action to achieve the task.

Option D is incorrect. This action is impossible

See to understand more on reserving IP addresses.

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