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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


For this question, refer to the TerramEarth case study.

TerramEarth needs to migrate legacy monolithic applications into containerized RESTful microservices.

The development team is experimenting with the use of packaged procedures with containers in a completely serverless environment, using Cloud Run.

Before migrating the existing code into production it was decided to perform a lift and shift of the monolithic application and to develop the new features that are required with serverless microservices.

So, they want to carry out a gradual migration, activating the new microservice functionalities while maintaining the monolithic application for all the other activities.

The problem now is how to integrate the legacy monolithic application with the new microservices to have a consistent interface and simple management.

Which of the following techniques can be used (pick 3)?

A. Use an HTTP(S) Load Balancer
B. Develop a proxy inside the monolithic application for integration
C. Use Cloud Endpoints/Apigee
D. Use Serverless NEGs for integration
E. Use App Engine flexible edition

Correct answers: A, C and D

The first solution (A+D) uses HTTP(S) Load Balancing and NEGs.
Network endpoint groups (NEG) let you design serverless backend endpoints for external HTTP(S) Load Balancing. Serverless NEGs became target proxies and the forwarding is performed with the use of URL maps. In this way, you may integrate seamlessly with the legacy application.

An alternative solution is API Management, which creates a facade and integrates different applications. GCP has 3 API Management solutions: Cloud Endpoints, Apigee, and API Gateway. API Gateway is only for serverless back ends.

  • B is wrong because developing a proxy inside the monolithic application for integration means, keep on updating the old app with possible service interruptions and useless toil.
  • E is wrong because App Engine’s flexible edition manages containers but cannot integrate the legacy monolithic application with the new functions.

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