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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You want to enable your running Google Kubernates Engine cluster to scale as demand for your application changes. What should you do? Select one

A. Add additional nodes to your Kubernates Engine cluster using the following command: gcloud container clusters resize CLUSTER_NAME –size 10
B. Add a tag to the instances in the cluster with the following command: gcloud compute instances add-tags INSTANCE –tags enable-autoscaling max-nodes-10
C. Update the existing Kubernates Engine cluster with the following command: gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME –enable-autoscaling –min-nodes=1 –max-nodes=10
D. Create a new Kubernates Engine cluster with the following command: gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME –enable-autoscaling –min-nodes=1 –max-nodes=10 and redeploy your application

The correct answer is C.

A – Add additional nodes to your Container Engine cluster using the following command

gcloud container clusters resize CLUSTER_NAME –size 10

This is for a running cluster to resize an existing cluster to a provided size.

B – Add a tag to the instances in the cluster with the following command:

gcloud compute instances add-tags INSTANCE –tags enable-autoscaling max-nodes-10

First this is command for adding tags to instance, second simply adding tag will not automatically enable autoscaling.

C (Correct answer) – Update the existing Container Engine cluster with the following command:

gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAME –enable-autoscaling –min-nodes=1 –max-nodes=10

This is the right command, please see “Enabling autoscaling for an existing node pool

D – Create a new Container Engine cluster with the following command, and redeploy your application

gcloud container clusters create CLUSTER_NAME –enable-autoscaling –min-nodes=1 –max-nodes=10

This is the command enable autoscaling when you create the cluster not for running cluster. Please see “Creating a cluster with autoscaling

Reference Resource

Kubernetes Engine >> Cluster Autoscaler

gcloud container clusters resize


Command as per question
gcloud container clusters update CLUSTER_NAM–enable-autoscaling –min-nodes=1 –max-nodes=10

syntax as per

gcloud container clusters update NAME (–complete-credential-rotation
| –complete-ip-rotation
–enable-autoscaling    | –enable-legacy-authorization
| –enable-master-authorized-networks    | –enable-network-policy
| –generate-password    | –logging-service=LOGGING_SERVICE
| –maintenance-window=MAINTENANCE_WINDOW
| –monitoring-service=MONITORING_SERVICE
| –node-locations=ZONE,[ZONE,…]
| –remove-labels=[KEY,…]    | –set-password
| –start-credential-rotation    | –start-ip-rotation
| –update-addons=[ADDON=ENABLED|DISABLED,…]
| –update-labels=[KEY=VALUE,…]
| –password=PASSWORD –enable-basic-auth
| –username=USERNAME, -u USERNAME) [–async]
[–max-nodes=MAX_NODES –min-nodes=MIN_NODES]

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