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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


For this question, refer to the Mountkirk Games case study

Mountkirk Games needs to create a repeatable and configurable mechanism for deploying isolated application environments. Developers and testers can access each other’s environments and resources, but they cannot access staging or production resources. The staging environment needs access to some services from production.

What should you do to isolate development environments from staging and production?

A. Create a project for development and test and another for staging and production.
B. Create a network for development and test and another for staging and production.
C. Create one subnetwork for development and another for staging and production.
D. Create one project for development and test, a second for staging and a third for production.

Correct Answer D


D (Correct answer) – among the available answers, D is the closest solution to meet the isolate and inter-access requirements.

In this example, you’ll create one Host project for Developer and Tester and another Host project for staging, and the third one for production. Staging and Production environments can access resources as per the cross accessible Service Accounts created for just the required needs.

B – This is incomplete and not the best solution. Network isolation is for separation of resources communication, the project is for IAM resource access control.

If the question meant putting resources in different networks but in the same project, it’s not enough to separate developer from access Stage/Product unless access policy is set at each specific resource level which is not only against the best practice but also hard to manage especially if you consider Mountkirk Games is not a small shop.

Answer C is incorrect for the same or similar reasons.

Answer A indeed enables the isolation but sharing staging and Production in the same project might have some cross access of the resources by human error.

On the other hand, if the quest meant Developer and tester are in the same group called Development (based on “What should you do to isolate development environments from staging and production?”), D could be an answer since it isolates the development from staging and production, though no inter-project access issues addressed.

Overall, judging from Mountkirk Games application, environments, and company size, most likely they’ll have separated Development and Testing while they do share access to some resources such as access testing data as well as computing resources. So, Answer option D is closer to the requirements

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