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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


If you have object versioning enabled on a multi-regional bucket, what will the following lifecycle config file do?


A. Archive objects older than 30 days (the second rule doesn’t do anything)
B. Delete objects older than 30 days (the second rule doesn’t do anything)
C. Archive objects older than 30 days and move objects to Coldline Storage after 365 days
D. Delete all the versions that are not live and 30 days old. Move the remaining current versions to Coldline after 365 days.

Correct Answer is D

With formatted json, it’ll be easy to understand without lots of knowledge about Storage lifecycle syntax.

It says (note the line number in [ ]):

[1] Create lifecycle [2] rule to take [5] action of [6] delete [8] if the object is [9] 30 days old and [10] the version isLive: false (non-current version)

[12] And [14] take action of [15] SetStorageClass to [16] COLDLINE [18] if the object is [19] 365 days old and [20] if its StorageClass matches [21] MULTI-REGIONAL

The Correct Answer is D: Delete all the versions that are not current and 30 days old. Move the remaining current versions to Coldline after 365 days.


Here there are 2 rules

1st rule has 2 condition

a. isLive: false => this means object should be declared as non-current verison

b. age 30: 30 days old

Then action will run “action”:{ “type”: “Delete”},


In another way: 

In this question there are 2 rules

Rule 1 is with 2 condition

a. 30 days

b. isLive: false

if these 2 condition meets: the object will be have action. i.e. delete

Here IsLive means object need to be tagged as non-current which means versioning is enabled for that bucket.


Rule 2 also have 2 condition

a. 365 days

b. MatchesStorageClass: Multi-Regional

This means if Object is in Multi-Regional for over 365 days then the action will trigger Move the object to StorageClass:ColdLine

Hence our suggested answer option D is correct.

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