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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Architect | Dumps | Mock Test


You’ve created a Kubernetes engine cluster named “mycluster”, which has a cluster pool named ‘primary-node-pool’. You’ve realized that you need more total nodes within your cluster pool to meet capacity demands from 10 to 20. What is the command to change the number of nodes in your pool?

A. gcloud container clusters resize mycluster –node-pool ‘primary-node-pool’ –max-nodes = 20
B. gcloud container clusters resize mycluster –node-pool ‘primary-node-pool’ –num-nodes = 20
C. You must create a new node pool and transfer the workload to the new pool.
D. gcloud container clusters update mycluster –node-pool ‘primary-node-pool’ –num-nodes = 20

Correct Answer B


B (Correct Answer). The command to resize an existing GKE node pool is:

gcloud container clusters resize NAME (--num-nodes=NUM_NODES     | --size=NUM_NODES) [--async] [--node-pool=NODE_POOL] [--region=REGION     | --zone=ZONE-z ZONE] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG …]

Option B is correct as you have to use –num-nodes flag.

Option A uses a wrong flag “–max-nodes”

Option C is describing a situation for changing machine type

Option D “gcloud container clusters update”. This updates cluster settings for an existing container cluster. You can use this command to specify –max-nodes –min-nodes for autoscaling purpose. Also “–num-nodes” is a wrong flag option for this command.


gcloud container clusters resize – resizes an existing cluster for running containers

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