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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are a Google Cloud Engineer and assigned to set up a project for the team of four members. You need to grant only general permissions for all the resources of the project. You decided to grant a primitive role to each person for different levels of access on the basis of their responsibilities in the project. What is not considered as a primitive role in the Google Cloud Platform console?

A. Viewer

B. Editor

C. Owner

D. Publisher


Correct Answer – Option D

Primitive roles are the roles that are historically available in the Google Cloud Platform console. There are three primitive roles in Google Cloud Platform – Owner, Editor, and Viewer.

Option A is incorrect. Viewer is one of the three primitive roles in Google Cloud Platform.

Option B is incorrect. Editor is one of the three primitive roles in Google Cloud Platform.

Option C is incorrect. Owner is one of the three primitive roles in Google Cloud Platform.

Option D is correct. Publisher is not a primitive role in Google Cloud Platform, but a predefined role.


Google Cloud Identity and Access Management Overview –

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