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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A cloud engineer wants to create a VM named whiz-server-1 with four CPUs. Which of the following commands would he use to create the VM whiz-server-1?

A. gcloud compute instances create –machine-type=n1-standard-4 whiz-server-1

B. gcloud compute instances create –cpus=4 whiz-server-1

C. gcloud compute instances create –machine-type=n1-standard-4 –instancename whiz-server-1

D. gcloud compute instances create –machine-type=n1-4-cpu whiz-server-1


Correct Answer – A

To create a google cloud engine virtual machine instance, gcloud compute instances create command is used. The number of CPUs is specified with the machine type parameter. For this, use gcloud compute machine-types list to get a list of available machine types. If not specified, the default type is n1-standard-1. Here, the cloud engineer is using 4 CPUs so it will be n1-standard-4 followed by the VM name.

Option A is correct. gcloud compute instances create –machine-type=n1-standard-4 whiz-server-1 is the correct command to create VM with 4 CPUs. It includes a correct machine type and specifies the name of the instance properly.

Option B is incorrect. The command gcloud compute instances create –cpus=4 whiz-server-1 is wrong. This command includes cpus parameter that does not exist in a google cloud command.

Option C is incorrect. The command gcloud compute instances create –machine-type=n1-standard-4 –instance-name whiz-server-1 is not correct to create a VM instance.This command uses the instance-name parameter that does not exist in a google cloud command. The instance name is passed as an argument and it does not require any parameter name.

Option D is incorrect. gcloud compute instances create –machine-type=n1-4-cpu whiz-server-1 is not a correct command to create a VM instance. The machine type specified here is n1-4-cpu which is an invalid machine type. It should be n1-standard-4.


gcloud compute instance create –create Google Compute Engine virtual machine instances

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