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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


What is the command for creating a storage bucket that has once per month access and is named ‘archive_bucket’?

A. gsutil rm -coldline gs://archive_bucket

B. gsutil mb -c coldline gs://archive_bucket

C. gsutil mb -c nearline gs://archive_bucket

D. gsutil mb gs://archive_bucket


Correct answer C

mb is to make the bucket. Nearline buckets are for once per month access. Coldline buckets require only accessing once per 90 days and would incur additional charges for greater access.

Further Explanation


gsutil mb [-c class] [-l location] [-p proj_id] url…

If you don’t specify a -c option, the bucket is created with the default storage class Standard Storage, which is equivalent to Multi-Regional Storage or Regional Storage, depending on whether the bucket was created in a multi-regional location or regional location, respectively.

If you don’t specify a -l option, the bucket is created in the default location (US). -l option can be any multi-regional or regional location.


mb – Make buckets:

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