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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You have set a firewall rule that will permit inbound connections to a VM instance named whizserver-2. You want to apply this rule only if there is not another rule that would deny that traffic. What priority would you give to this rule?

A. 1000

B. 1

C. 65535

D. 0


Correct Answer – Option C

If the rule will have the lowest priority, it will permit inbound traffic/ connections to the VM instance whizserver-2. The large will be the number, the low will be the priority. The lowest priority will ensure that the other rules that match will apply. So, the largest number should be selected to make the priority lowest.

Option A is incorrect. 1000 is not the largest number from the given options. For the lowest priority, it is required to choose the largest number.

Option B is incorrect. 1 is a very small number, it will increase the priority. So, it is not the correct answer.

Option C is correct. 65535 is the largest number that is allowed in the range of value for priorities.

Option D is incorrect. Lower the number, higher will be the priority. The number 0 will result in higher priority while the priority should be the lowest.


Virtual Private Cloud – Firewall Rules Overview

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