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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your team has deployed a few windows web servers on a custom VPC network and the same is running properly. After a few hours of the app suddenly crashes, developers are trying to remote access web servers, but are failing to do so. While troubleshooting the issue you realize that the firewall rule is missing. Which command will help you solve the problem?

A. gcloud compute firewall-rules create “remote-access” –network “whizlab-network” –allow tcp:22

B. gcloud compute firewall-rules create “tcp:3389”

C. gcloud compute firewall-rules create “remote-access” –network “whizlab-network” –allow tcp:3389

D. gcloud compute firewall-rules allow “udp:3389” –network “whizlab-network”


Answer C

The correct command to allow developers to remote access windows is gcloud compute firewall-rules create “remote-access” –network “whizlab-network” –allow tcp:3389. Hence, option C is correct.

Options A, B, and D are incorrect because they are invalid commands to allow remote access.


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