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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


There are 15 VMs in your company’s Google Cloud account which have public IP address but are ephemeral. Your manager asked you to assign static public IP to each instance. During the process you were able to assign IPs to only 5 of the VMs and were receiving error of all other instances. What can be the reason?

A. You have reached the hard limit of using static IP addresses.

B. Your quota has been exhausted and you can raise a request to increase it.

C. Not all OS supports static public IP so check if the OS on VM supports static IP.

D. You need to first remove existing public IP attached to VMs and then attach static IP to them.


The correct answer is Option B

Option B is correct: Cloud providers have soft limits of some of the resources to prevent uncontrolled usage of resources. Likewise, even GCP has it for static public IPs. You can simply raise request for increasing the limit.

Option A is incorrect: 5 static public IP is not the hard limit because it is very low.

Option C is incorrect: This has nothing to do which OS your VM is hosting.

Option D is incorrect: Removing existing public IP will not help with assigning static public IP to the VM.


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