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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are trying to get Google Kubernetes server configuration of a project by running the command gcloud container get-server-config, when you hit enter, you get an error message: “There was a problem refreshing your current auth tokens: invalid_grant: Bad Request”. What would you do to successfully run this command and get the server configuration from Kubernetes?

A. gcloud auth login

B. gcloud config set account [ACCOUNT]

C. gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]

D. gcloud components update


Answer A

The error is produced when the user’s gcloud sdk access has expired.

A is correct: gcloud auth login allows you to obtain new google cloud credentials using your existing email id and password to activate your gcloud sdk. Once the login is successful, you can run gcloud container get-server-config

B is incorrect: If the account token has been expired then you cannot set the account id to access the gcloud SDK. You need to login and set up new token.

C is incorrect: If the account token has been expired then you cannot set the project id to access the gcloud SDK. You need to login and set up new token.

D is incorrect: This command is used to update the SDK to its latest version and is invalid to this question.


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