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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


For last few months your company was testing an ERP application built for one of its client. The product is ready to move to production but before handling over the application your manager has asked you to enable continuous backup for MySQL DB running on VM. How would you do it?

A. Write a cron job to backup data every minute.

B. Migrate to CloudSQL as there is no other option.

C. Create a clone of MySQL VM and write shell script to handle the replication/backup.

D. Binary logging.


Answer D

Option D is correct: The binary log contains “events” that describe database changes such as table creation operations or changes to table data.

Option A is incorrect: Writing a cron job is inefficient way as it will hamper user performance.

Option B is incorrect: As your manager has asked you to enable continuous backup on VM, moving to CloudSQL is not an option.

Option C is incorrect: Running a shell script will affect user performance because you will need to run it continuously for exact replica.


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