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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You are a Jr. Cloud Engineer at John Smith Co. and you were informed about an error “failed to negotiate an api version” while running kubectl command on GCP shell. Which command would you suggest to resolve this issue initially?

A. gcloud auth application-default login

B. gcloud container clusters get-credentials [CLUSTER_NAME]

C. sudo gcloud components install kubectl

D. gcloud container clusters describe cluster-name


Correct Answer – C

The gcloud command to create an IAM user is gcloud iam roles create viewer-role –project whizlabs-prj –file=role-definition.yaml. Hence, C is the correct answer.

Options A, B, and D are incorrect since these are not the valid gcloud commands to create an IAM role.



Answer A

Option A is correct: Initially you will check if kubectl has authentication credentials. To do so, you will run the following command

Option B is incorrect: The following command could be used to mitigate “Connection Refused” error while running kubectl command.

Option C is incorrect: install command is required when you wish to install a google cloud service. In this case kubectl is already installed.

Option D is incorrect: This is an invalid command to this context


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