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Using multi-stage builds in Dockerfile

  1. Create some project directories:
    cd ~/
    mkdir efficient
    mkdir inefficient
    cd inefficient


  2. Create the source code file:
    vi helloworld.go
    package main
    import "fmt"
    func main() {
        fmt.Println("hello world")


  3. Create the Dockerfile:
    vi Dockerfile
    FROM golang:1.12.4
    WORKDIR /helloworld
    COPY helloworld.go .
    RUN GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o helloworld .
    CMD ["./helloworld"]


  4. Build and test the inefficient image:
    docker build -t inefficient .
    docker run inefficient
    docker image ls


  5. Switch to the efficient project directory and copy the files from the inefficient project:
    cd ~/efficient
    cp ../inefficient/helloworld.go ./
    cp ../inefficient/Dockerfile ./


  6. Change the Dockerfile to use a multi-stage build:
    vi Dockerfile
    FROM golang:1.12.4 AS compiler
    WORKDIR /helloworld
    COPY helloworld.go .
    RUN GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o helloworld .
    FROM alpine:3.9.3
    WORKDIR /root
    COPY --from=compiler /helloworld/helloworld .
    CMD ["./helloworld"]


  7. Build and test the efficient image:
    docker build -t efficient .
    docker run efficient
    docker image ls
  8. Checkout the size of both images
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