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Flattening a Docker Image to a Single Layer

  1. Set up a new project directory to create a basic image:
    cd ~/
    mkdir alpine-hello
    cd alpine-hello
    vi Dockerfile


  2. Create a Dockerfile that will result in a multi-layered image:
    FROM alpine:3.9.3
    RUN echo "Hello, World!" > message.txt
    CMD cat message.txt


  3. Build the image and check how many layers it has:
    docker build -t nonflat .
    docker image history nonflat


  4. Run a container from the image and export its file system to an archive:
    docker run -d --name flat_container nonflat
    docker export flat_container > flat.tar


  5. Import the archive to a new image and check how many layers the new image has:
    cat flat.tar | docker import - flat:latest
    docker image history flat
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