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Practice Test 1 | Microsoft Azure Security Technologies | AZ-500 | Dumps | Mock Test


You have an Azure SQL Database created as part of your subscription. You decide to turn on Advanced Threat Protection for the SQL database instance. Which of the following would be detected as a threat?

A. A user updating more than 40 percent of the records in the table
B. A user deleting more than 100 records from the same table
C. A user attempting to sign in with statement like

 “select * from whizlabtable where username=” or 1=1 — password =’pwd”
D. A user who gets added to the db_owner database role

Answer – C

With Advanced Threat Protection, you can get alerts from attacks such as SQL Injection. The statement of selecting records from a table is not a valid statement for login purposes.

The Microsoft documentation mentions the following.

The other actions would not trigger any threats.

For more information on SQL database advanced threat detection, one can visit the below URL-

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