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Practice Test 1 | Microsoft Azure Security Technologies | AZ-500 | Dumps | Mock Test


A team is planning to deploy a virtual machine named whizlabvm to an Azure subscription. The virtual machine will be created in a virtual network named “whizlab-network”. The virtual network contains a subnet named “default”. A service endpoint has been created for the subnet. The Azure virtual machine will be based on the latest Ubuntu Server image. The virtual machine will be used in host Docker containers. You have to ensure that the containers can access Azure Storage resources and Azure SQL databases using the service endpoint. Which of the following can be done to fulfill this requirement?

A. Ensure the service endpoint has an entry point to the Docker containers.
B. Change the network layer type for the underlying Docker containers.
C. Install the container network interface plug-in.
D. Create a custom docker-compose.yml file.

Answer – C

You can use the container network interface plug-in to allocate IP addresses to the containers on the virtual machines. The pods can then access services such as Azure storage and Azure SQL databases using virtual network service endpoints.

The following depiction of implementing the interface is given in the Microsoft documentation.

Since this is clearly mentioned in the documentation, all other options are incorrect.

For more information on container networking, one can visit the below URL-

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