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Practice Test 1 | Microsoft Azure Security Technologies | AZ-500 | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company has an Azure subscription. An Azure storage account and an Azure Keyvault have been created as part of the subscription. The company wants to use an Azure automation runbook. It would be used to rotate the keys of the storage account and store them in the key vault. You need to implement the pre-requisites to ensure that the runbook can be implemented. Which of the following actions would you need to perform for this?

Correct Answer

Run the Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy cmdlet

Create an Azure Automation account

Import the Powershell modules to the Azure Automation account

Create a connection resource in the Azure Automation Account

Correct Answers:

  • Run the Set-AzKeyVaultAccessPolicy cmdlet
  • Create an Azure Automation account
  • Import the Powershell modules to the Azure Automation account
  • Create a connection resource in the Azure Automation Account

The first step is to create an Azure Automation account.

The next step is to import the required Powershell modules.

This is given as a note in the Microsoft documentation when you are looking at Key rotation using Azure Automation.

Next, you also need to have a connection in place. This is also mentioned as a step in the documentation


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