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Practice Test 1 | Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions | AZ-400 | Dumps | Mock Test


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You need to ensure that you meet the requirements for project ”whizlabB”. Which of the following would you implement for this requirement?

A. Create an authentication token in SonarQube.
B. Create a service endpoint in SonarQube.
C. Create an authentication token in Azure DevOps.
D. Create a service endpoint in Azure DevOps.

Answer – C

SonarQube’s integration with Azure DevOps allows you to maintain code quality and security in your Azure DevOps repositories. It is compatible with both Azure DevOps Server and Azure DevOps Services.

With this integration, you’ll be able to:

  • Import your Azure DevOps repositories – Import your Azure DevOps repositories into SonarQube to easily set up SonarQube projects.
  • Analyze projects with Azure Pipelines – Integrate analysis into your build pipeline. Starting in Developer Edition, SonarScanners running in Azure Pipelines jobs can automatically detect branches or pull requests being built, so you don’t need to specifically pass them as parameters to the scanner.
  • Add pull request decoration – (starting in Developer Edition) See your Quality Gate and code metric results right in Azure DevOps so you know if it’s safe to merge your changes.

So without Import Azure devops repos into SonarQube, we can not go further.

Since this is clearly mentioned in the documentation, all other options are incorrect.

For more information on adding a SonarQube endpoint, please visit the below URL-

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