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Practice Test 1 | Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions | AZ-400 | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company wants to use Azure Artifacts for hosting a private PowerShell repository. This would allow multiple teams to download and upload PowerShell modules. Which of the following steps would you implement for this requirement? 

Correct Answer

B. Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) to authenticate other services with Azure DevOps

C. Create a new feed within Azure Artifacts

E. Create, package, and publish PowerShell modules with Azure Artifacts Feed

F. Connect to feed as a PowerShell repository and with Azure Pipelines

Correct Answer: B, C, E and F

  • Create a Personal Access Token (PAT) to authenticate other services with Azure DevOps.
  • Create a new feed within Azure Artifacts.
  • Create, package, and publish PowerShell modules with Azure Artifacts Feed.
  • Connect to feed as a PowerShell repository and with Azure Pipelines

This is also given as an example in the Microsoft documentation.

Since this is clearly mentioned in the Microsoft documentation,

all other options are incorrect.


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