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Practice Test 1 | Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions | AZ-400 | Dumps | Mock Test


A company has created a new project in Azure DevOps for a web application. The company currently uses ServiceNow for change and release management. The company wants to ensure that a change request is processed before any changes are released to production. Which of the following are the two ways that ServiceNow can be integrated into the Azure DevOps Release pipeline?

A. Create a deployment control that invokes the ServiceNow SOAP API.
B. Configure deployment conditions using the ‘Azure Invoke REST API’ gate.
C. Configuring deployment conditions using the ServiceNow DevOps extension for ‘Azure DevOps’ gate.
D. Configure deployment conditions using the Invoke ‘Azure Function’ gate.

Answer – B and C

You can configure change control in Azure pipelines in two ways:

  1. Use the Azure Invoke REST API.
  2. Use the ServiceNow DevOps extension for Azure DevOps.

The Microsoft documentation mentions the following.

Option A is incorrect because we do not have support for SOAP web service request in release pipeline deployment conditions gate

Option B is CORRECT because in the release pipeline deployment conditions gate we have “Invoke REST API” gate to query data using REST API, this is also suggested in Servicenow documentation.

Option C is CORRECT because after installing the ServiceNow DevOps extension from the marketplace we get “ServiceNow change management” gate in release pipeline deployment conditions.

Option D is incorrect because “Invoke Azure Function” gate in release pipeline deployment conditions is for querying the azure function.

For more information on using ServiceNow with Azure DevOps, please visit the below URLs-

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