hd xxx

Configuring Managed instance group

  1. Create Image of Compute Engine VM
  2. Creating an Instance template
    1. Go to Instance templates section and on click Create Instance Template
    2. Name: web-instance-template
    3. Keep machine as default
    4. Boot Disk
      1. Click Change
      2. Select Custom
      3. Image: webserver (created in step 1)
    5. Firewall: Allow HTTP traffic
    6. Click Create
  3. Creating Instance group
    1. Go to Instance Group and click on Create Instance Group
    2. Name: web-mig
    3. Location: Multiple Zone
    4. Instance template: web-instance-template
    5. Minimum number of instances: 2
    6. Click Create
  4. Auto-scaling in action
    1. Go to VM Instances section
    2. SSH to both instance created by Instance group
    3. Install stress and run on both instances, this will create CPU load on both instance
      sudo yum install -y epel-release
      sudo yum install -y stress
      sudo stress -c 70
    4. Now since there is load on instance Instance group will trigger auto-scaling and a new instance will be automatically created

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