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Using Amazon Athena to query data inside S3

  1. Create a Database
    1. Open the Athena console.
    2. If this is your first time visiting the Athena console, you’ll go to a Getting Started page. Choose Get Started to open the Query Editor. If it isn’t your first time, the Athena Query Editor opens.
    3. Choose the link to set up a query result location in Amazon S3.
    4. In the Settings dialog box, enter the path to the bucket that you created in Amazon S3 for your query results. Prefix the path with s3:// and add a forward slash to the end of the path.
    5. Click Save.
    6. In the Athena Query Editor, you see a query pane. You can type queries and statements here.
    7. To create a database named mydatabase, enter the following CREATE DATABASE statement.
      CREATE DATABASE mydatabase
    8. Choose Run Query or press Ctrl+ENTER.
    9. Confirm that the catalog display refreshes and mydatabase appears in the Database list in the navigation pane on the left.
  2. Create a Table
    Now that you have a database, you’re ready to run a statement to create a table. The table will be based on Athena sample data in the location s3://athena-examples-aws-region/cloudfront/plaintext/. The statement that creates the table defines columns that map to the data, specifies how the data is delimited, and specifies the Amazon S3 location that contains the sample data.

    1. For Database, choose mydatabase.
    2. Choose the plus (+) sign in the Query Editor to create a tab with a new query. You can have up to ten query tabs open at once.
    3. In the query pane, enter the following CREATE TABLE statement. In the LOCATION statement at the end of the query, replace myregion with the AWS Region that you are currently using (for example, us-west-1).
        `Date` DATE,
        Time STRING,
        Location STRING,
        Bytes INT,
        RequestIP STRING,
        Method STRING,
        Host STRING,
        Uri STRING,
        Status INT,
        Referrer STRING,
        os STRING,
        Browser STRING,
        BrowserVersion STRING
        ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe'
        "input.regex" = "^(?!#)([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+([^ ]+)\\s+[^\(]+[\(]([^\;]+).*\%20([^\/]+)[\/](.*)$"
        ) LOCATION 's3://athena-examples-myregion/cloudfront/plaintext/';

      Replace myregion in s3://athena-examples-myregion/path/to/data/ with the region identifier where you run Athena, for example, s3://athena-examples-us-west-1/path/to/data/.

    4. Choose Run Query.The table cloudfront_logs is created and appears under the list of Tables for the mydatabase database.


  3. Query Data
    1. Open a new query tab and enter the following SQL statement in the query pane.
      SELECT os, COUNT(*) count
      FROM cloudfront_logs
      WHERE date BETWEEN date '2014-07-05' AND date '2014-08-05'
      GROUP BY os;
    2. Choose Run Query.

      The results look like the following:

    3. You can save the results of the query to a .csv file by choosing the download icon on the Results pane.
    4. Choose the History tab to view your previous queries.
    5. Choose Download results to download the results of a previous query. Query history is retained for 45 days.
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