hd xxx

Simple Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline for S3 static website Deployment

  1. Make sure you have Jenkins installed, here the reference link
  2. Make sure you have install AWS CLI & configured it with access key & secret access key on Jenkins host
  3. Create a S3 bucket, here’s the reference link
  4. Fork this git repo for HTML webite
  5. Make sure you have installed & configuredbelow plugin:
    1. Configure Git Plugin On Jenkins
  1. Click on New item
  2. Enter name of your pipeline then select freestyle project and click Ok
  3. Enter the URL of your forked repo which was done in Section 1 of this lab
    This will make sure website file are copied in Jenkins workspace which later would be deployed on S3 bucket
  4. Now selct Build Triggers tab & select Execute shell so we can execute AWS CLI command inside jenkins
  5. Then enter AWS CLI which upload the website to S3 bucket
    aws s3 cp . s3://YOUR-BUCKET-NAME --recursive --acl public-read
  6. Click on Apply then Save
  7. Your pipeline is created

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