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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company offers a popular gaming service from its on-premises servers. The company is planning to move to GCP but has opted for an infrastructure as a service deployment of its two tier (web and database) application. The web tier needs to be load-balanced to handle traffic, also the database will be sharded into several persistent disks and it is important that the state of the database tier is preserved.

Which of the following configurations is suitable for the deployment? Choose two

A. Load balancer and Stateless Managed Instance Groups for the web tier
B. Load balancer and Stateful Managed Instance Groups for the web tier
C. Stateless Managed Instance Groups for the database tier
D. Stateful Managed Instance Groups for the database tier

Answer: A & D

Option A is correct, a load balancer will balance traffic across a stateless MIG for the web tier since scaling is needed at this tier.

Option B is incorrect, the stateful MIG does not support scaling

Option C is incorrect, the stateless MIG does not preserve persistent disks which is a requirement for the database layer.

Option D is correct, the stateful MIG preserves (state) persistent disks which is a requirement for the database layer.


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