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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


You have mapped /static/* to gs://resources_bucket/ and you are using HTTPS Load Balancer to serve the contents from a host, the request to HTTPS LB will try to serve gs://resources_bucket/static/path/to/content.jpg. When you hit the DNS, you get “The specified key doesn’t exist” error. What could be the reason?

A. HTTPS is not able to serve the content from the bucket

B. Load balancer doesn’t have required permission to access the bucket

C. Object in the bucket is missingright

D. Content of the bucket is privately stored


Correct Answer: C

C correct: The error is observed when the requested object is not available in the bucket.

A is incorrect: The following error will not give any response from the server

B is incorrect: Permission is granted at host level and not on load balancer

D is incorrect: If the content is stored on a private bucket and host is unable to connect to the bucket, the request will fail.


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