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Practice Test 4 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Which of the following gcloud command lets you view the details of a custom subnet you created in a particular region?

A. gcloud compute networks subnets view [SUBNET_NAME] –region us-central1

B. gcloud compute networks subnets describe [SUBNET_NAME] –region us-central1right

C. gcloud compute networks subnets list [SUBNET_NAME] –region us-central1

D. gcloud compute networks subnets read [SUBNET_NAME] –region us-central1


Correct Answer: B

B is correct: describe flag gives a detailed description of the subnet mentioned in the command.

A, C and D are incorrect: view and read flags are not valid gcloud flag. List is used to list the number of subnets in a private cloud.


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