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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


There are 5 VPC networks in your staging project created for 5 different applications. Each network has its own CIDR range and firewall rules. You are asked to list the firewall rules of network 3 to perform an update. Select the appropriate response.

A. gcloud compute firewall-rules list –filter network=network 3

B. gcloud vpc network=network 3 –list firewall-rules

C. gcloud compute network=network 3 –list firewall-rules

D. gcloud vpc firewall-rules list –filter network=network 3


Answer A

A is correct: The firewall-rules are defined under VPC but when using gcloud, they can only be accessed by calling compute api and this the following command lists the firewall-rules for the given network.

B, C & D is incorrect: These commands are invalid.


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