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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A new client has approached your company with a requirement that they want to host a serverless on Google Cloud, but before that want you to give them price estimate of running serverless application using Cloud Function. Which all parameters will you consider while calculating price using Google Pricing Calculator?

A. Type, Execution Time and Invocations.

B. Memory, CPU, Execution Time and Invocations.

C. Type, Bandwidth, Execution Time and Invocations.

D. Memory, Execution Time and Bandwidth.


Answer C

Option C is correct: You will need four parameters to give your client an estimate of running Cloud Functions. These are: Type, Bandwidth, Execution Time and Invocations per month.

Option A, B and D are incorrect because they are not complete set of parameters required to calculate estimate of running Cloud Functions on Google Cloud.


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