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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company uses BigQuery as the main data warehouse. A data warehouse is divided into several datasets based on data origin and profile. Data analysts want to access certain data that resides in a dataset considered sensitive and should not be openly available to all users. The security team allows only certain tables with limited columns for data analysts to read from.

Which of the following actions will you take?

A. Create a new dataset in BigQuery. Create authorized views on tables data analysts want to read from. Grant viewer role to data analysts on a new dataset.
B. Create authorized views on tables, the data analysts want to read from on the same dataset tables reside in. Grant viewer role to the Data analysts team on the views.
C. Grant data analysts viewer the role of these specific tables by specifying what columns to be read from.
D. Create a new dataset in BigQuery. Grant viewer role to data analysts on the new dataset. Copy the tables from the current dataset to the new one with only columns allowed.

Correct Answer – A

Option A is correct: Creating a new dataset is the correct solution. Authorized views should be created in a different dataset from the source data. That way, data owners can give users access to the authorized view without simultaneously granting access to the underlying data. The source data dataset and authorized view dataset must be in the same regional location.

Option C is incorrect: To grant access to a column of a table, one needs to update the table schema to set a policy tag on a column. In this option, there is no policy. Hence this is also the wrong answer.

Option D is incorrect: Creating a new dataset is the wrong approach.



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