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Practice Test 1 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


A company wants to use NoSQL database for storing its system logs. The system can generate thousands of logs every minute. Those logs are occasionally read by security team in case of possible anomaly behavior or developers for debugging purposes. Due to system’s architecture, system logs are not structured and can be different between different components.

Which database do you suggest be used for this scenario?

A. Use BigTable as a database with HDD storage to store system logs.
B. Use BigTable as a database with SSD storage to store system logs.
C. Use Datastore as a database to store system logs.
D. Use Firebase as a database to store system logs.

Answer: A.

When you create a Cloud Bigtable instance, you choose whether its clusters store data on solid-state drives (SSD) or hard disk drives (HDD).HDD storage is suitable for use cases that meet the following criteria:

    • You expect to store at least 10 TB of data.
    • You will not use the data to back a user-facing or latency-sensitive application.
    • Your workload falls into one of the following categories:
      • Batch workloads with scans and writes, and no more than occasional random reads of a small number of rows.
      • Data archival, where you write very large amounts of data and rarely read that data.

From the scenario, system logs are to be stored to BigTable. This data will be only used for occasional debugging and security anomaly detection. So, using HDD storage type for BigTable is the answer.

Answer B is incorrect: The scenario does not require SSD storage type.

Answer C is incorrect: Datastore is not built for storing and reading huge data volumes as in this scenario. Datastore is deisgned for web applications of small scale.

Answer D is incorrect: Firebase is for mobile and web applications. Not a solution for storing big data.


Choosing Between SSD and HDD Storage:

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