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Practice Test 1 | AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | SAA-C03 | Dumps | Mock Test


You have an application hosted in an Auto Scaling group, and an application load balancer distributes traffic to the ASG. You want to add a scaling policy that keeps the average aggregate CPU utilization of the Auto Scaling group to be 60 percent. The capacity of the Auto Scaling group should increase or decrease based on this target value. Which scaling policy does it belong to?

A. Target tracking scaling policy.

B. Step scaling policy.

C. Simple scaling policy.

D. Scheduled scaling policy.


Correct​ ​Answer​ ​–​ A

In ASG, you can add a target tracking scaling policy based on a target. For different scaling policies, please check

  • Option​ ​A ​is​ CORRECT:​ Because a target tracking scaling policy can be applied to check the ASGAverageCPUUtilization metric according to
  • Option​ ​B ​is​ ​incorrect:​ Because Step scaling adjusts the capacity based on step adjustments instead of a target.
  • Option​ ​C ​is​ ​incorrect:​ Because Simple scaling changes the capacity based on a single adjustment.
  • Option​ ​D ​is​ ​incorrect:​ With Scheduled scaling, the capacity is adjusted based on a schedule rather than a target.

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