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Move items in Blob storage between storage accounts or containers using AzCopy


AzCopy is a command-line utility that you can use to copy blobs or files to or from a storage account. This article helps you download AzCopy, connect to your storage account, and then transfer files.

  1. Download AzCopy
    1. Windows 64-bit (zip)
    2. Windows 32-bit (zip)
    3. Linux (tar)
    4. MacOS (zip)
  2. Run AzCopy
    1. If you choose not to add the AzCopy directory to your path, you’ll have to change directories to the location of your AzCopy executable and type azcopy or .\azcopy in Windows PowerShell command prompts.
    2. To see a list of commands, type azcopy -h and then press the ENTER key.
    3. To learn about a specific command, just include the name of the command (For example: azcopy list -h).
  3. Now to authentication AzCopy to work with your Azure Storage Account you have following option
    Storage type Currently supported method of authorization
    Blob storage Azure AD & SAS
    Blob storage (hierarchical namespace) Azure AD & SAS
    File storage SAS only
  4. We will use SAS Token, so generate a SAS token from Azure portal, please refer this link for help
    1. You can append a SAS token to each source or destination URL that use in your AzCopy commands.
    2. This example command recursively copies data from a local directory to a blob container. A fictitious SAS token is appended to the end of the of the container URL.
      azcopy copy "C:\local\path" "" --recursive=true
  5. Few more example can used for Data Transfer
    1. Upload a file
      azcopy copy 'C:\myDirectory\myTextFile.txt' ''
    2. Upload a directory
      azcopy copy 'C:\myDirectory' '' --recursive
    3. Upload the contents of a directory
      azcopy copy 'C:\myDirectory\*' ''
    4. Upload specific files
      azcopy copy 'C:\myDirectory' '' --include-path 'photos;documents\myFile.txt' --recursive
    5. Download a file
      azcopy copy '' 'C:\myDirectory\myTextFile.txt'
    6. Download a directory
      azcopy copy '' 'C:\myDirectory' --recursive
    7. Download the contents of a directory
      azcopy copy '*' 'C:\myDirectory'
    8. Download specific files
      azcopy copy '' 'C:\myDirectory' --include-path 'photos;documents\myFile.txt' --recursive
    9. Copy a blob to another storage account
      azcopy copy '' ''
    10. Copy a directory to another storage account
      azcopy copy '' '' --recursive
    11. Copy a container to another storage account
      azcopy copy '' '' --recursive
    12. Copy all containers, directories, and blobs to another storage account
      azcopy copy '' '' --recursive
    13. Update a container with changes to a local file system
      azcopy sync 'C:\myDirectory' '' --recursive
    14. Update a local file system with changes to a container
      azcopy sync '' '' --recursive
    15. Update a container with changes in another container
      azcopy sync '<container-name>/myDirectory' '' --recursive
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