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Exposing Containers Externally

  1. Run a container with a published port, then test and examine the published ports for the container.
    docker run -d -p 8080:80 --name nginx_pub nginx
    curl localhost:8080
    docker port nginx_pub
    docker ps
  2. Create a service with a published port using the ingress publishing mode. Test the service and check which Swarm node the service’s task is running on.
    docker service create -p 8081:80 --name nginx_ingress_pub nginx
    curl localhost:8081
    docker service ps nginx_ingress_pub
  3. Create a service published using host mode. Check which node the task is running on and attempt to access it from the node where the task is running, as well as a node where it is not running.
    docker service create -p mode=host,published=8082,target=80 --name nginx_host_pub nginx
    docker service ps nginx_host_pub
  4. Check which node the task is running on, and access the service from that node.
    curl localhost:8082
  5. Try accessing the service from another node. It should fail.
    curl localhost:8082

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