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Docker Network Troubleshooting

  1. Run a container and access the container logs.
    docker run --name log-container busybox echo Here is my container log!
    docker logs log-container
  2. Run a service and access the service logs.
    docker service create --name log-svc --replicas 3 -p 8080:80 nginx
    curl localhost:8080
    docker service logs log-svc
  3. Check the Docker daemon logs.
    sudo journalctl -u docker
  4. Create a custom network with a container, and attach a netshoot container to the network for troubleshooting.
    docker network create custom-net
    docker run -d --name custom-net-nginx --network custom-net nginx
  5. Inject a netshoot container into another container’s network sandbox.
    docker run --rm --network custom-net nicolaka/netshoot curl custom-net-nginx:80
    docker run --rm --network container:custom-net-nginx nicolaka/netshoot curl localhost:80
  6. Inject a netshoot container into the sandbox of a container that uses the none network.
    docker run -d --name none-net-nginx --network none nginx
    docker run --rm --network container:none-net-nginx nicolaka/netshoot curl localhost:80

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