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DTR Security Features

  1. Turn on vulnerability scanning. Choose Online under Select a method for installation and updates..
  2. It will take some time to update the vulnerability database and perform scans.
  3. Trust the DTR certificate and authenticate the local daemon against DTR.
    curl -k https://<DTR server private IP>:443/ca > dtr.crt
    sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/<DTR server private IP>
    sudo cp dtr.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/<DTR server private IP>/
    docker login <DTR server private IP>
  4. Pull an image, re-tag it, and push it to DTR.
    docker pull alpine:latest
    docker tag alpine:latest <DTR server private IP>/admin/alpine:latest
    docker push <DTR server private IP>/admin/alpine:latest
  5. Within DTR, you can now locate your new tag and perform a vulnerability scan.

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