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What is AWS ServiceLens


CloudWatch ServiceLens enhances the observability of your services and applications by enabling you to integrate traces, metrics, logs, and alarms into one place. ServiceLens integrates CloudWatch with AWS X-Ray to provide an end-to-end view of your application to help you more efficiently pinpoint performance bottlenecks and identify impacted users. A service map displays your service endpoints and resources as “nodes” and highlights the traffic, latency, and errors for each node and its connections. You can choose a node to see detailed insights about the correlated metrics, logs, and traces associated with that part of the service. This enables you to investigate problems and their effect on the application.

Metrics visualized in ServiceLens are also available in CloudWatch metrics.

To fully take advantage of ServiceLens and correlated metrics, logs, and traces, you must update the X-Ray SDK and the instrumentation of your application is required. ServiceLens supports logs correlation for Lambda functions, API Gateway, Java-based applications running on Amazon EC2, and Java-based applications running on Amazon EKS or Kubernetes with Container Insights deployed.

ServiceLens integrates with Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics, a fully-managed service that enables you to create canaries to monitor your endpoints and APIs from the outside-in. Canaries that you create appear on the ServiceLens service map

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