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S3 Quiz


Your company currently has an S3 bucket in AWS. The objects in S3 are accessed quite frequently. Which of the following is an implementation step that can be considered to reduce the cost of accessing contents from the S3 bucket?

A. Place the S3 bucket behind a CloudFront distribution.

B. Enable Versioning on the S3 bucket.

C. Enable Encryption on the S3 bucket.

D. Place the S3 bucket behind an API Gateway.

A. Place the S3 bucket behind a CloudFront distribution.

AWS Documentation mentions the following:

Using CloudFront can be more cost effective if your users access your objects frequently because, at higher usage, the price for CloudFront data transfer is lower than the price for Amazon S3 data transfer. In addition, downloads are faster with CloudFront than with Amazon S3 alone because your objects are stored closer to your users.

For more information on using Cloudfront with S3, please visit the below URL:

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