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Practice Test 5 | Designing And Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions | AZ-400 | Dumps | Mock Test


You are developing a product that has multiple versions. The product must be supported for an extended period. You are using GitHub and have two branches created, ‘feature1’ and ‘feature2’ along with the main branch. A bug was reported and fixed in ‘feature2’ and later merged to the master branch. Later it was discovered that the same bug existed in ‘feature1’ as well, and it needs to be fixed.


You need to ensure that the change is backported from master to ‘feature1’ branch. What should be the best way to fix this?

A. Merge
B. Cherry pick
C. Rebase
D. Squash merge

Answer: B

  • Option A is incorrect. Merging master down into ‘feature1’ would not be a feasible option since it would contain a significant number of commits. That was not intended to be part of that version.
  • Option B is correct. Using git cherry-pick command enables you to apply specific commits from one branch to another. It merely iterates the selected commits and applies them to the target branch as new commits. If necessary, developers can merge any conflicts before completing the merge down to ‘feature1’.
  • Option C is incorrect. Rebasing master to ‘feature1’ takes all the work done on the master branch, and the feature1 branch will have all the latest changes from master. Feature1 branch may not intend to have master branch changes.
  • Option D is incorrect. Squash merge causes the same issue as merge or rebase. It takes all the file changes from master and adds them to a single new commit on the feature1 branch.
  • Reference Link: For more information on managing software delivery by using a release based workflow in GitHub, please refer to the below documentation from Microsoft-

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