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Practice Test 4 | Microsoft Azure Security Technologies | AZ-500 | Dumps | Mock Test


Your company has an Azure subscription and an Azure AD tenant. They have deployed a web application to an Azure Web App named whizlab-app. They want to protect the web application with the help of a web application firewall policy. You have gone ahead and created a web application firewall policy as part of the Azure subscription. Which of the following must you do to ensure that the policy can be used to protect the web application?

A. Deploy an instance of the Azure Front Door service.
B. Deploy an instance of the Azure Firewall service.
C. Create a deployment slot.
D. Upload a PFX file onto the web application.

Answer – A

The Azure Front Door can be used to protect applications with the help of Web application firewall policies.

The Microsoft documentation mentions the following.

Since this is clearly mentioned in the Microsoft documentation, all other options are invalid.

For more information on Web Application Firewall along with the Azure Front Door service, please refer to the below link-

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