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Practice Test 4 | AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner | CLF-C01 | Dumps | Mock Test


Based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework, how should a start-up company with multiple AWS environments manage its users and resources without affecting the cost?

A. Create multiple unique IAM users with administrator access for each functional group of the company.
B. Use of AWS CloudFront template versions and revision controls to keep track of the dynamic configuration changes.
C. Use AWS Organizations with respective OUs that differentiate billing across the company’s AWS account.
D. Provisioning resources and compute capacity for future growth.

Correct Answer: C

  • Option A is INCORRECT because creating multiple IAM users with administrator privileges is not a best practice. Rights and privileges should be assigned on a least privileged basis.
  • Option B is INCORRECT because AWS CloudFront service is a content distribution service that does not have configuration templates, nor does it perform this function. This is the function of AWS CloudFormation.
  • Option C is CORRECT Based on the Cost and Optimization pillar, a focal area is the analysis of costs within the AWS environment and how they are distributed within functional groups or departments of the company. AWS Organization provides composite billing into a single account.
  • Option D is INCORRECT because provisioning of resources and compute capacity that accommodates future growth means that there is a capacity that is idle in anticipation of long-term growth. According to the AWS Well-Architected Framework reliability pillar, this is not cost-effective; the company should only pay for what is being used.


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