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Practice Test 3 | Microsoft Azure Security Technologies | AZ-500 | Dumps | Mock Test


You have a resource group named “whizlab-rg”. You need to ensure that a user named “whizlabusr” is able to manage virtual networks in that resource group. You need to assign the least privilege for this solution. Which of the following RBAC role would you assign to the user?

A. Contributor role at the subscription level
B. Contributor role at the resource group level
C. Network Contributor role at the subscription level
D. Network Contributor role at the resource group level

Answer – D

We just need to provide the Network Contributor role to the user. Since this is just required at the resource group, we should assign it at that level.

The Microsoft documentation mentions the following on the role.

Options A and B are incorrect since these would provide more than the required permissions to the user.

Option C is incorrect since this would increase the scope of the permission.

For more information on the built-in RBAC roles, one can visit the below URL-

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