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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


The data science team in your company is developing a forecast model using TensorFlow. They are looking for the resources to develop and test the model on. It was suggested to use Google Cloud for this project. As a data engineer, you have been asked to prepare the required resources for the data science team, taking into consideration the costs of the resources used. Which of the following machine types is the best for this scenario?

B. Standard CPU
C. High CPU

Correct Answer: A

Google has built the Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) in order to make it possible for data scientists to achieve business and research breakthroughs ranging from network security to medical diagnoses. Cloud TPU is the custom-designed machine learning ASIC that powers Google products like Translate, Photos, Search, Assistant, and Gmail.

As for cost, below is a benchmark for a cost comparison between TPU & GPU types:                              

So, for this scenario, using TPU machine type is the recommended type to build Tensorflow models on.

Options B and C are incorrect: CPU will not provide the best performance for TensorFlow as for other machine types.

Option D is incorrect: GPU is more expensive as compared to TPU and will not perform as fast.


TPU Machine Type:

GPU Machine Type:                         

Google Cloud Blog – What makes TPUs fine-tuned for deep learning:

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