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Practice Test 3 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


There is a requirement to design a GCP routes-based GKE Cluster with four nodes. The nodes are expected to have the maximum number of pods allowed. Given the above configuration, what is the maximum number of pods the cluster will have and what CIDR blocks would you recommend for the cluster’s pod address range?

A. 1024 pods and /22.
B. 1008 pods and /22.
C. 440 pods and /22.
D. 440 pods and /23.

Answer: C

Options A, B are incorrect because the maximum number of pods on each node is 110, therefore a total of 440 pods is expected.

Option C is correct. The maximum number of pods on each node is 110, therefore a total of 440 pods is expected, also because it is a route-based cluster, GKE assigns a /24 to each node (256 addresses) so the design for the cluster needs a /22 (1024 == 256*4 addresses)

Option D is incorrect, the /23 CIDR range gives 512 addresses i.e two /24 CIDR blocks so it is insufficient. explains the requirements and how to create a routes-based cluster.

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