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Practice Test 3 | AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate | SAA-C03 | Dumps | Mock Test


A company website is set to launch in the upcoming weeks. There is a probability that the traffic will be quite high during the initial weeks. In the event of a load failure, how can you set up DNS failover to a static website? Choose the correct answer from the options given below.

A. Duplicate the exact application architecture in another region and configure DNS Weight-based routing.

B. Enable failover to an on-premises data center to the application hosted there.

C. Use Route 53 with the failover option to failover to a static S3 website bucket or CloudFront distribution.

D. Add more servers in case the application fails.


Answer – C

Amazon Route 53 health checks monitor the health and performance of your web applications, web servers, and other resources.

If you have multiple resources that perform the same function, you can configure DNS failover so that Amazon Route 53 will route your traffic from an unhealthy resource to a healthy resource. For example, if you have two web servers and one web server becomes unhealthy, Amazon Route 53 can route traffic to the other web server. So you can route traffic to a website hosted on S3 or to a CloudFront distribution.

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