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Practice Test 2 | Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer | Dumps | Mock Test


Your team is planning to perform tests on Cloud BigTable instance to ensure the performance quality of the BigTable instance to be used in production. Which of the following conditions should be met to consider the performance testing valid? (Choose 3)

A. Use production instance.
B. Use at least 1TB of data.
C. Use at least 300GB of data.
D. Tests should run for at least 10 minutes.
E. Use development instance.
F. Storage type should be HDD.

Answers: A, C & D.

If you’re running a performance test that depends upon Cloud Bigtable, be sure to follow these steps as you plan and execute your test:

  1. Use a production instance. A development instance will not give you an accurate sense of how a production instance performs under load.
  2. Use at least 300 GB of data. Cloud Bigtable performs best with 1 TB or more of data. However, 300 GB of data is enough to provide reasonable results in a performance test on a 3-node cluster. On larger clusters, use at least 100 GB of data per node.
  3. Stay below the recommended storage utilization per node.
  4. Before you test, run a heavy pre-test for several minutes. This step gives Cloud Bigtable a chance to balance data across your nodes based on the access patterns it observes.
  5. Run your test for at least 10 minutes. This step lets Cloud Bigtable further optimize your data, and it helps ensure that you will test reads from disk as well as cached reads from memory.


Understanding BigTable Performance:

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